Below we outline the strategic imperatives that we identified as a university community. We challenge ourselves to build operational excellence, foster the well-being and success of people, embrace purposeful innovation at our core, and amplify our positive impact on all those we serve. For us to accomplish these lofty ambitions, we need to simultaneously pair our strategic priorities with operational processes that enable success and a culture that champions it. Together we can achieve this University Strategic Plan we’ve collectively crafted. Branding of the strategic plan has shifted with administration changes. The content remains true to the plan our community crafted.
How We Got Here

It is crucial to point out the history of the university and provide context and acknowledgment of our place in history. Colorado State University is a public, land-grant university designated by the state of Colorado to receive the benefits of the federal Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862, which established the initial land-grant colleges to “teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts” without excluding “other scientific and classical studies.”